Tuesday, February 26, 2008


the rain's pouring down and you wish you could find a deep hole in the ground
aunt red knocks on your door and it feels like it's crawling all over the floor
and your boyfriend's there
did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?
sometimes you just feel like shit
the tight pants that you have,don't fit
sometimes guys just make you sick
and you're looking for something to kick
you feel so lost in this pretty world
that's how it sometimes feels to be a girl.


i'm so bored now that i double post.
stupid moral assignments are killing me
the hell i have to write essay's in malay!
just feels sucks to be a malaysian!!


due to some reason my post need to be edited. HAIII..
anyways.. let's say it in a better way aight?

so here goes~

born in this unfair country thats my fate
teacher's thought us to live in harmony
talking about racist?
those people are worst than me
new leaders are coming up
what's next to make a "better" world?
different mask i see everyday in this unfair world
because of power and money
justice fall
trust and honour is just a piece of shit
nothing is worth for us to understand about YOU
you failed us
you led us to a more miserable life
so STFU and let my people to make this world a better place!

p/s: yes i'm rasist so bomb me.